Wednesday, January 07, 2004


If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.
1 John 1:8

The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it? "I the LORD search the heart and examine the mind, to reward a man according to his conduct, according to what his deeds deserve."
Jer. 17:9-10

For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.
Rom. 3:23
sometimes i can be a pompous, arrogant, better-than-thou person. i forget that in weakness Christ's power is made perfect by His grace. (2 Cor. 12:9) i try to cover my short-comings by making excuses. i'm afraid to admit that someone else is right, in fear that i will look bad. i don't spontaneously tell others of my past failures, nor do i tell them of my haunty thoughts which elude my mind. this is my skeleton in the closet - not confessing my sin to one another.

but these verses remind me that i am not alone in the struggle for holiness. all have gone astray - not just me. within the walls of the church are different walls. fear that others will be let down if they find out what i do in my private space, when no one is looking. fear that others will hold it against those who have fallen. fear of being replaced from a powerful position in the church. fear of change. fear of giving into faith, when the evidence hasn't manifested. fear of being called a hypocrit. fear of giving over every area of our lives, so that we can be fully devoted to the work of the Lord. fear of coming into the Light.

our youth often say, "it's so much easier to talk with non-christian friends because they won't look down on me for what i've done. they don't care what i do; they like me no matter what." those are difficult words to swallow, since we are supposed to be the givers of grace. "freely give as you have received." paul goes on to say, "forgive as the Lord forgave you." (Col 3:13) why then are there so many walls in the church? why are people so inclined to tip-toe around church, when their devotion is to another power (sin)? why are we not going after those who are hurting and have built up walls against the people of God? where is our grace and forgiveness?

we need Your grace. we've sinned against You by not giving the grace which You've poured unto us. give us desire to be quick to forgive as You forgave us. let our love for others draw them back into Your loving arms. don't let our 'must-be-perfect' philosophy continue any longer. break us so we crumble before You. lead us to the place where Your grace upholds us. crush our spirits of resentment, bitterness, unforgivness. we've received so much from You, God, and we desire to be more like You. please keep us honest before You. don't let us be deceived any longer by the one You've banished from heaven. we can't forgive without You, Jesus. teach us to be like You.
in Jesus's Name ~ Amen!
*Kris *Jacqui *Ruth