Monday, January 31, 2005

That What is Devoted Cannot be Redeemed

But nothing that a man owns and devotes to the Lord -whether man or animal or family land-may be sold or redeemed; everything so devoted is most holy to the Lord.
Lev. 27:28

last night before falling to sleep i opened my Bible to chapter 27 of Leviticus. there are some very 'interesting' teachings in Leviticus. anyway, this one verse caught my attention.

my thoughts jumped to 'once saved always saved' theory. just a thought: when someone devotes himself to the Lord - He becomes most holy and cannot be bought back. now i realze this verse is speaking of possessions, but are our lives not possessions? slaves certainly become possessions.

now i am not sure what i believe about 'once saved, always saved', but i do know that when i devoted myself to the Lord, it was a serious commitment. my life has been changed forever. and Jesus is to blame.

thanks for entering into my life. You've changed me from the inside and out. i don't want to try to redeem myself from You. i know that i am lost in You, and You are found in me. thanks for residing in my inmost being. thanks for making my holy thru Your sanctification. although process is not easy, i am grateful You've chosen me. my love for You is great. thanks for always being faithful.
in Your precious Name, Jesus ~ Amen

*Kathryn *Savannah *Iraq Elections

Friday, January 14, 2005

Worldly Traditions Vs. Commands of God

"He replied, “Isaiah was right when he prophesied about you hypocrites; as it is written: ‘These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. They worship me in vain; their teachings are but rules taught by men.’ You have let go of the commands of God and are holding on to the traditions of men."
Mark 7:8
since traffic was flowing like a beaut this morning, i got to work 30 minutes early. and it was a God thing that i 'happened' to have a Bible in the back seat of my car. and on the way to work this morning i was challenged by, Leo Giovinetti to read my Bible for 1 hour a day for a week and see what changes happen within me. so for about 30 minutes i read.

and i came across these verses in Mark about the Pharisees and teachers of the law. these men were entrusted to teach the holy commands of God to those whom would follow. the Torah was their law. and they were obviously misguiding souls, because of their misconception of Scripture.

so i'm praying and asking my Father to search me and know me, and show me where i'm misguiding others. what 'traditions' have come into my life where i am not living the Truth? what has been passed onto me, which i've accepted as Truth, but is all a lie? whom has God entrusted to me to teach His holy commands? oh so many questions...

it amazes me how You can open up the Scripture each time i read Your Word. thanks for moving me closer to You. i pray with the psalmist, 'O Lord, search me, test me, and lead me in Your righteousness.' may You be my guide, my counselor, and the author and perfector of my faith. let Your light shine within me. and more than that, let us be led closer to You.
For and thru Jesus' Name ~ Amen.

*Tricia *Bret *Fran

Monday, January 10, 2005

In the Know

With many similar parables Jesus spoke the word to them, as much as they could understand. He did not say anything to them without using a parable. But when he was alone with his own disciples, he explained everything.
Mark 4:33-34
i love the way mark describes certain situations. he says that when Jesus was alone with His disciples, He explained everything. how incredibly awesome is that that? he didn't keep the Truth hidden, or have the disciples try to decipher it for themselves. He explained it. simple as that.

i feel that sometimes i struggle to understand the Truth. i go to the Scripture for knowledge and wisdom, but none seems to come. maybe because i don't go to the Teacher first. i go to the book, and search with my own strength and understanding, instead of going to the person Jesus, and waiting to hear from Him. there is a relationship which i sometimes ignore. Jesus is still alive and He longs to speak directly to me. He tries to get me to listen to His instructions, tho sometimes i'm too A.D.D. to sit still and pay attention. There's a song in Sister Act II which has these lyrics, "If you want to be somebody, if you want to go somewhere, you got to wake up and pay attention." there's a great deal of wisdom in those simple words.

Hey Friend,
You are the greatest Teacher of all times. You spend time with Your disciples, and desire for them to come to You with their questions. so i come before You with open ears and a calm spirit, waiting to hear an answer from You. forgive me for seeking the book, without expecting You to say something directly to me. our relationship does matter to me. and i love times spent in Your presence. You have an incredible way of drawing me close to You.
may You continue to explain everything to Your disciples as they come to You for answers to the questions in their hearts. have us pay attention and expect to hear a new Word from You, the Word become flesh. thanks for revealing Yourself to me.
thru the power of Jesus' Name ~ Amen

*Marty *Scott *my mom