Tuesday, October 14, 2003

Learning to Acclaim God

Blessed are those who have learned to acclaim you, who walk in the light of your presence, O Lord. They rejoice in your name all day long; they exult in your righteousness. For you are their glory and strength, and by your favor you exalt our horn.
Ps. 89:15-17
as i tried to read God's Word early this morning, my eyes were very heavy, but somehow He managed to capture my attention through these verses. i want to be someone who walks in the light of God's presence. i want to rejoice in His name all day. i want to exult in His righteousness. i want Him to be my glory and strength. but how?

webster says that "acclaim" means praise or applaud. when is the last time i applauded God. i say thanks for things...is that the same? i don't think. i think acclaim has a higher meaning than just saying thanks. so today i'm learning to applaud God. i'm learning that my attitude has to praise Him all day long. and once my attitude is maintained, then i'll be able to rejoice all day and have Jesus as my glory and strength.

Glorious Friend,
teach me how to applaud You. teach me how to maintain an attitude of praise throughout the entire day and all through my life. lead me to walk in Your Presence each step of the way. You are my King, and i praise You for giving me Your salvation. thanks for restoring my joy in You. thanks for promising to never leave me. i applaud You for Your greatness of creation. i love You.
in Jesus's Powerful Name ~ Amen!
*Steve *Karla *Claudia