Wednesday, June 16, 2004

The Word That Sustains The Weary

The sovereign Lord has given me an instructed tongue, to know the word that sustains the weary. He wakens me morning by morning, wakens my ear to listen like one being taught. The sovereign Lord has opened my ears, and I have not been rebellious; I have not drawn back.
Is. 50:4-5

last night i went with some friends to 7:22. as always God used that service to draw my heart closer to His. the worship leader last night was Matt Redman, and Louie Giglio presented the message. Matt is the guy who's written a few of my favorite worship songs like 'let my words be few' and 'blessed be Your name'. the man has passion for Jesus.

the songs and message were about blessing God, because we've already been blessed with more than we could ever imagine. so i'm looking forward to attending the next to services of 7:22 to see what else Louie has to say about prayer and communicating with the God of the universe.

so, tying in the verses from the top of this post, i've been feeling drawn to God thru His Word lately, and i'm very curious to know more about His sovereignty. it is amazing how His Word can speak words of encouragement to a weary soul. His words are life, are food for the hungry, freedom for the captives, and thought for the intelligent. He softs hard hards thru them and discourages the plans of the wicked. and faith comes from hearing His Word [Rom 10:17]. i feel like Isaiah in that His Word is on my mind when i wake in the morning and when i lie down to sleep. is it my consuming passion.

i praise You for who You are. i love the way You love me. i want to be a blessing to You, Father. use me to witness for You. let Your light shine thru me. i love You.
in Jesus' Name ~ Amen!

*Ed * Susan *Zach