Monday, June 28, 2004

Beyond Cure

The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?
Jer. 19:9

Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts.
Ps. 139:23

'Follow your heart.' ever really thought about that statement in light of God's word? that old cliche` seems to be a negative thing to say to someone who is searching for answers. 'go and pursuit deceit and a wayward life-style.' isn't that what we are actually saying? just a thought.

i love the way David gives God an open invitation to search his heart and to test him. seems pretty risky to me - allowing God to test me. but that is also a sign of my lack of trust, and David's astounding trust in the One who matters most.

or maybe David is tired of his deceitful heart and he's saying, 'God, clean me out. refine me in your fire because i can't stand these impurities in my life any longer. i want to be be clean.' in any case, i want to be cleaned out from the deceit which lurks in my heart. i want to put on the full armor so that i can battle in the Lord's army.

at the fall of adam and eve, sometimes changed in our hearts. our eyes have been opened to the sin and wreckedness of our being. and now Jesus, You've come to earth to heal those symptom of this disease. please come into my heart and clean me out. refine me in Your fire so that i can be rid of these impurities. i love You and desire to do what pleases You, instead of what pleases me. please give me the strength and power to do Your will. Holy Spirit, i pray for You to fill me with the same power which raised Jesus for the dead, which seated Him on the throne. may i be a servant of the King. let this heart hear Your voice, respond with enthusiasm and endurance. as i draw near to You, i rejoice that You've given me the strength and wisdom to follow You. You are my Dad.
in Jesus Name~ Amen

*Audrey *Casey *Hope