Thursday, November 06, 2003

Show Your Trust

During the fourth watch of the night Jesus went out to them, walking on the lake. When the disciples saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified. "It's a ghost," they said, and cried out in fear. But Jesus immediately said to them: "Take courage! It is I. Don't be afraid." "Lord, if it's you," Peter replied, "tell me to come to you on the water." "Come," he said.
Matt. 14:25-29
i believe that God has an incredible way of speaking to each of us differently. for some he uses the gift of hearing His voice. for others He use His Word to speak directly into our souls. for some He uses events which are interpreted. still others know God's voice by the mouths of other people. i dont' know how God speaks to you, but i want to encourage You to listen for His voice. and even sometimes when you least expect to hear it, you'll know it's Jesus speaking to you.

often when Jesus speaks to us, there is something which we are supposed to do, tho this is not always the case. lately i know that He has been working on me to learn this concept, "show Me your trust." it's when i have a crisis of belief (if any of you have read any of the 'Experiencing God' books, you'll know what i am talking about.) it's when i know what my faith is telling me to do, and my flesh is telling me something different. it's like arguing with yourself. an example is when i don't feel like catering to the needs of a snotty 7th grade girl who doesn't want to take the trash out after not getting any sleep during a lock-in. or like remain calm in the mist of a stressful situation. or worshiping upon hearing word of a loved one who has died. or saying "no" to another committee meeting when things at home are not in good working order. those are times when i can nearly hear the voice of Jesus saying, "show Me your trust." what He is really asking is, you say you trust me, tanya, but are you going to act it out? are you going to let others around you see that You trust me with your life? are you willing to make a change and stand up for what you say you believe?

i'm learning that the Christian faith is a risky life-style. i am constantly making choices based on the way i believe, but how about my thought life? or my sex life? or my reaction to stressful situations? am i able to keep my calmness, my groundedness in the mist of trials? do i consider trials and temptations 'joy'? do i radiate the fruit of the Spirit, which i proclaim with my mouth?

holy Jesus,
it is amazing to me how You care so much about me. how You can speak into the dark reserves of my heart and still call me your "Beloved". how You, precious friend, know the way i let You down, and still continue to call me a friend. i cannot thank You enough for calling me to be Your child, for the way You lavish me with Your love. Friend, i want to make choices to show You that You are making a difference in my life. i want You to be glorified thru my actions, thru my thoughts, thru my words. i praise You for working in me, creating me to be more and more like You. be praised for the times when You give me a chance to stand up for what You are doing in my heart. i love You with everything in me. i long to worship You even when life is falling apart around me. You are my stronghold, Jesus.
In Your Amazing Name ~ Amen~
*Katie *Meredith *Kaylen