Monday, April 11, 2005

What's Stupid?

Answering before listening is both stupid and rude.
prov. 18:13

Wise thinking leads to right living; Stupid thinking leads to wrong living.
eccl. 10:2

How can a young man keep his way pure? By living according to your word.
psalm 119:9

after youth group last night, i took some time to catch up on some proverbs. man, there is some good stuff in the Word of God! like this one, "The perceptive find wisdom in their own front yard; fools look for it everywhere but right here." (Prov. 17:24) i could go on and on about my reading last night, but you could read a few chapters of Proverbs, and you'll probably feel the same way.

so i have this habit of filling in people's sentences. i guess i get bored when people speak slowly and they don't get out what they are trying to say. but i've been feeling some conviction about this. laid on my heart have been two scriptures about this: prov. 18:13 (see above), and 1 cor. 13 (about what it means to love). if love is patient than it is not impatient. and so rushing people to get out what they are saying is not love. ...and so back to Jesus i return.

You always seem to get my attention in the most odd ways...but i love it! thanks for being outside the box with me. thanks for knowing me completely and yet You still love me. that is amazing! i praise You for being the Christ, for suffering the abuse of men so that i may have a way to re-connect with You in a very personal way.

You know my short comings. You know how impatient i can get. so i lay this struggle down at Your feet. on the cross You conquered this sin, and covered it with Your sacrificial blood. there's nothing i can do to make myself more clean than what You've accomplished in the act of death on the cross and resurrection into Heaven. You've finished the work. and so i ask for You to rise up within me, creating a way for me to overcome this impatience. it's no longer my struggle; it's all Yours. be praised for rescuing me from the chains of sin. ony thru You am i more than a conqueror.

in Christ's name ~ Amen.

*Mitchell *Savannah *Courtney