Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Idolatrous Commotion

"Return, faithless people; I will cure you of backsliding." "Yes, we will come to you, for you are the LORD our God. Surely the idolatrous commotion on the hills and mountains is a deception; surely in the LORD our God is the salvation of Israel.
idolatrous commotion. that's how i would describe much of what i see in the world.
idolatrous: the worship of a physical object as a god
commotion: a condition of civil unrest or confusion
we are all searching for satisfaction. we are born with unrest and a desire to have our longings fulfilled. we can thank eve and adam for that one. and we search high and low to find what gives us the most satisfaction.

so what satisfies me? where do i look to be fulfilled? what have i sought after which left me empty and worse off than when i began my search? who do i expect to fulfill my wants? what do i expect of people? where am i most satisfied in my life? what kind of activities bring me the most joy? i realize these are pretty selfish questions, but without asking, how can i know how to help others find what satisfies their needs? what brings the most joy to people? the commotion from the world is deception. surely the Lord, Yahweh, is our salvation - our hope - our satisfaction. and without Him, we are seeking more commotion instead of peace and satisfaction.

Jesus, You are my hope. as i draw close to You, i know You draw close to me. help me to find what satisfies. open my eyes to know what satisfies You the most.
in Jesus' Name ~ Amen.

*Courtney * Shottie *Jennifer